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   Choosing The Right Program   

36th Annual Camp
Level 1

For young musicians with one or two years experience playing their instrument. 

Level 2

For musicians with three or more years experience playing their instrument.

Band Program

Level 1

Level 2

Wind Ensemble/Jazz Band (Keys Bb and Eb major) Performing Grade 1 and 1.5 music.

Appropriate group for the struggling middle musician or the 4th or 5th grader without private lessons planning on going on to a elementary/middle school performing group. We address proper positions, intonation, listening in a large group, & sight-reading.

Wind Ensemble/Jazz Band Performing Grade 2 and 3 music. Most students in this group already have excellent technique and understanding of skills. This group's focus is on good ensemble techniques. This group is made up of middle/high school students that want a challenge and experience playing in a large ensemble.

The camp is open to all instrumentalists, ages 9 to 14.
This is an extensive two week program available in two separate sessions for both band and strings.
Takes place Monday Each session totals 10 days. You may choose one or all sessions.  

Strings Program

Level 1

Level 2

2-3 part harmony, examples- "Strictly Classics" - Strictly Strings - (Keys G major, C Major - Mastering C and F natural) *Appropriate group for the struggling middle schooler or the 4th or 5th grader without private lessons planning on going on to a middle school performing group. We address proper positions, intonation, keys, sight-reading.

4 part harmony (or more) Chamber Music. Examples: Brandenburg, Bach, Haydn, Handel, etc. orchestra level 2-3. Most students in this group already have excellent technique and understanding of skills. This groups focus is on good ensemble techniques. This group is made up of middle/high school students that want a challenge and experience playing in chamber ensembles. These students end up playing in chamber ensembles (Duos, Trios, Quartets, etc.) at the last concert as well as performing with the chamber orchestra.  

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